

无论你是否为人父母, 学习教练, 老师, 或者学校辅导员, we all share a common goal: to help kids with planning for the future so they succeed in their life beyond virtual school. 毫不奇怪, establishing specific goals for their adult lives while they are still in school can help teenagers remain encouraged and focused on learning well into their working years. 

Read on to learn more about the best ways to support your teen in brainstorming how to make future plans for college, 职业生涯, 及以后.


职业规划 不像听起来那么简单吗. 而你的孩子可能在七岁时就想成为一名医生, 当他们17岁的时候,他们可能对医学根本不感兴趣. Even though your teen might change their mind about future plans a few times while choosing a 职业生涯, it is important that they at least have a starting point in mind to keep them heading in a forward direction.

Teens think that they have all the time in the world in high school to decide what they want to do after graduation, 但事实是, 他们的高中时光过得很快, 这就是为什么你的学生越早开始规划未来, 更好的. To be sure that students make a smooth transition to college life or the job market, 许多高中都做了 教育和职业规划 优先考虑. Life planning helps them to learn about a specific industry and whether or not they have the skills to succeed in it. High school is a great time to start exploring options for future planning for teens with encouraged curiosity and minimal pressure. 


Your guidance as a parent or 学习教练 can be vital in helping your student 为未来做计划. Before their senior year, you might ask them what they want to do after graduation. 他们想直接上大学吗? 也许 休一年假 工作或者拿起一个 学徒? 参军? 参加一个 技术或贸易学校? 你的孩子越早做出决定, the sooner you both can begin taking the necessary steps to get them where they want to be.

如果你的孩子还不确定未来的计划, 甚至不知道如何规划未来, 没关系. 帮助你的学生开始头脑风暴和想出想法, 问他们在学校喜欢什么科目, 他们想对世界产生什么样的影响啊, 哪些任务 他们喜欢. This information can help you learn more about some possible 职业生涯 options for them.


Determining college goals is a key aspect of helping your teen with planning for the future. 如果你的孩子打算上四年制大学, it is vital that they understand they can’t beat around the bush until the last minute. 校园之旅, 申请奖学金, 招聘的时间可能比预期的要长, and it is just as important to make sure your student picks the right college for them as it is to complete 他们高中的毕业要求

大学入学竞争也很激烈,所以他们需要得到 录取表格和所有必要的文件 在截止日期之前. This means requesting high school transcripts and recommendation letters from their 老师s at the end of their junior year or beginning of their senior year. Many universities offer early admission, so start sending in the paperwork as soon as possible. 

这同样适用于 实习. You and your teen can research 实习 in a specific industry and see whether a summer, 秋天, 春天, 或者全年实习更适合他们的学校安排. Again, make sure you have your paperwork completed and submitted in a timely manner. 


1. 在学校放假期间参观大学和职业学校.

Summer and winter breaks are great times for teens to think about future-planning and to research what kind of education or training they may need after high school. 参观一些学院、大学或职业学校 这个寒暑假去感受一下学校, 了解更多他们提供的课程, 探索不同类型的校园. 

Knowing more about what kind of school and degree program your child is excited about before applying to college can help them make the most of their time after graduating. This can also help set financial expectations for college 及以后 and encourage your teen to pick up a part-time job – the best 青少年储蓄计划 希望为他们的未来计划预留资金.

2. 找一个从事有趣职业的人做工作影子.

It’s difficult to understand what it’s like to work in a particular business or industry without experiencing it first. A great way to get a clearer idea of what could be an exciting 为未来做计划 is to see it firsthand. After doing some research on 职业生涯 planning for teens, encourage your teen to 找到他们感兴趣的职业 and ask local businesses in that industry if it would be possible to schedule an afternoon of shadowing someone on the job to see firsthand what’s involved in a particular 职业生涯. 如果他们发现了自己感兴趣的东西, perhaps they could consider pursuing an internship in that field while still in school.

3. 在你的社区做志愿者.

社区服务 is a great way to make contacts and gain valuable real-life experience. 非营利组织总是需要帮助, 比如去疗养院待一天, 清理当地的操场, 或者为有需要的人提供食物. 你的孩子在帮助别人的同时也获得了自信, 充实他/她的简历, and also potentially making some decisions about planning for the future.

4. 练习演讲技巧.

For everything from college admissions meetings to job interviews and board meetings, 公共演讲技巧是关键! Have your teenager build their confidence by picking a topic and doing a 10- to 15-minute presentation by reading one of their essays or a creative writing project aloud for the family. 一定要给出建设性的反馈!

5. 考虑下一个学年.

Brainstorm together for ways to make the upcoming school year interesting and engaging for your high schooler. 有新的吗? 俱乐部及活动 他或她愿意尝试? Are any student leadership opportunities available through school or in the community? 是一个 课后作业 一个选项? Your student may also benefit from contacting his or her school counselor to discuss a 为未来做计划.

有更多的空闲时间, 减少学术责任, 下面这些建议可以帮助你开始, this summer break may be your best opportunity to help your child research, 完善, 建立目标,为一生的成功铺平道路.

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